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Andrea Schudtz -  Violin maker from Cremona

Andrea Schudtz - Violin maker from Cremona


About Andrea

Andrea is a true professional: his research doesn’t end once his objective has been reached. Through his craft, he recreates antique methods and combines the rigorous, careful study of past Masters’ instruments with constant experimentation. His works emanate the vibrations of ages past in instruments of crystal clear resonance, perfect in their every detail.

Andrea probably applies the most attention to detail of anyone in his field. His artistry is capable of uniting the research of other master craftsmen, his personal studies, his plans and even his dreams, in a single original structure. His father taught him that every instrument has a tale to tell, which begins the moment in which the master craftsman designs it, even straying from the classical schemes of the profession. The design takes on a strength capable of rendering the crafting of the instrument an indispensable necessity, like breathing. This is the only way that a piece of wood can be brought to life, given a soul and transformed into a sensual creature. Achieving harmony between nature, the instrument and the musician is fundamental; as if the instrument itself were to become a means of recreating the archaic bond between the musician and nature.

The Master’s continual creative research has led him to the creation of two distinct projects: “Musica delle Sfere” (Music of the Spheres) and “Quattro Elementi” (Four Elements). The first is made up of a series of seven instruments, each of which is identified by both a serial number and a name. The latter correspond to the names of the solar system’s known heavenly bodies at the time in which the theory of the music of the spheres was conceived: Sole (Sun), Luna (Moon), Mercurio (Mercury), Venere (Venus), Marte (Mars), Giove (Jupiter), Saturno (Saturn). Each instrument was created based on the birth date of its future owner. This project originates with the studies of Kepler, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, Nicoma and Leonardo da Vinci. These great minds believed that the distance between the heavenly bodies could be calculated through mathematical formulas based on musical harmony. The four strings corresponded to the four elements: Fire, Air, Earth and Water. This symbolism, while evident to the authors cited, has been forgotten over the centuries.

Andrea Schutdz rarely uses modern technologies. He often uses the techniques and tools of the Great Masters and creates replicas of famous instruments. The first instrument of the “Musica delle Sfere” series, a Viola called Marte (Mars), which replicates the Guarneri model, has received enthusiastic acclaim.

The “Quattro Elementi” project is a series of four instruments: a viola, violoncello and two violins. Each corresponds to one of the four elements (Fire, Air, Earth and Water) and has been designed according to extremely precise calculations. At the moment, Andrea has completed the “Violino di Fuoco” (Violin of Fire). Just a glance at this instrument allows the viewer to feel its energy and passion vibrate through the air, as well as to understand the sound that the instrument will produce. The next piece in the collection, already being crafted, is the violin which will correspond to the element of Water.

The Master says: “Oh! This violin is going to be something incredible! I’m making it using a completely original technology and it will surely be an instrument of a completely original level! The Ancient Masters’ many years of studying and analysing instruments have not been in vain”.

In Andrea Schudtz’s boutique, instruments are not made, but are born. The “Musica delle Sfere” and “Quattro Elementi” projects confirm that Andrea has taken another step forward and has achieved new sublime heights within his own artwork.

Corvus Kwok

About Corvus Kwok

郭雋晅 (Corvus Kwok) 九歲開始學習小提琴。畢業於浸會大學音樂系:學士作曲、碩士指揮。畢業後一年花掉平生所有積蓄到上海音樂學院修讀提琴製作,師承院長華天礽教授。畢業後回港,在無計可施之下找到了祖母留下的街市檔位作臨時工場,卻引來傳媒的關注。工作一年,愈覺提琴製作奧妙太多,毅然把所有積蓄再次花光,遠赴美國跟隨頂尖製琴師Michael Darnton深造。郭氏曾受明報、文滙報、Hk01、PressLogic、新城電台、商業電台及香港電台多次訪問。郭氏現為專業演奏者及專業製琴師。

RTHK Interview

RTHK Interview

Lorenzo_Rossi_Violin_Maker copy.png

About Lorenzo Rossi

Lorenzo Rossi , liutaio in Milano.Teaching the course "Construction of bowed instruments" at the Civic School of Violin Making in Milan that he graduated with distinction and member of Association of Italian Luthiers, Lorenzo Rossi launched his own shop in 2004.

In 2008 he was awarded two silver medals in the categories of violin and cello at the National Violin Making Contest of Pisogne.
He provided consultation to: "The Leonardo da Vinci National Museum of Science and Technology" at the opening of “Luthier’s Workshop” after renovation – donation of Bisiach family;
Paola Calvetti – a writer of the Mondadori Publishing House whose works have been translated to various languages who integrated descriptions of antique instruments in her own novels;
Bode Ltd., and D’addario Italy (responsible for stringed instruments).

He has regularly participated in trade fairs taking place in Italy and abroad "Mondomusica" in Cremona, "Musikmesse Frankfurt" in Frankfurt am Main and "Music China" in Shanghai. There were several interviews dedicated to him by The Strad, "E' lavoro" di Avvenire, Il Giornale, Radio 24, job Milano.

After getting diploma in "Bowed instruments construction", he restoration career attending the workshops held by Maestro Carlos Arcieri (New York). The participation in courses of international interest enabled him to obtain up-to-date information on new materials and techniques constantly. That also gave him an opportunity to compare different styles and methods leading him to developing a specific personal taste.

Among the most important courses are: "Silicon Mold Making for the Reproduction of Bowed Instruments" held by M° Sharon Que, "Varnishing and Antichization Techniques of Bowed Instruments" held by M° Gregg Alf, "Set-Up and Sound Adjustment" with the M° Paolo Sorgentone and Michele Mecatti (Florence), the seminars of M° Guy Rabut (New York).


About Adriano Spadoni

We like to consider violins, violas and cellos as if they were real people endowed with their own "soul'.
Only thus can we forge a deep bond with them and make instruments that every musician would like to
have as their trusted travelling companions, as well as being able to produce the best possible sound.
Our experience has evolved over 14 years of activity and thorough studies. We have always concentrated
on the production of handmade violins and other string instruments following the classical violinmaking
method. We also repair and restore string instruments.
Staynov and Andreeva's LA LIUTERIA is the result of a merger of our activities as Master Violinmakers and
provides a venue where customers can find violins, violas and cellos from which to choose. This has made it
possible for us to set up a creative and productive workshop, well suited to this ancient and yet taxing
craft. Handmade instruments are unique and require a lot of attention and respect.
Musicians will always find an instrument ready to try, a violin, a viola or a cello which has already been
played for over 100 hours. It is also possible for us to create a bespoke instrument following a unique
design according to the customer's taste in sound and aesthetics
In our workshop dealers will always find ready violins, violas and cellos from which to choose, bearing in
mind that every type of our instruments accurately maintains the same sound quality according to the
model used for its construction. Dealers can also order new instruments made following personal
Our instruments are sold both in Italy and abroad, in China, Japan, Asia, in America and in Central Europe.
Upon request we can actually work everywhere. We are often present at specialized trade fairs (Peking,
Cremona, Shanghai, Frankfurt and Tokyo) as these are for us very important opportunities to meet our
faithful customers from all over the world.
LA LIUTERIA is always open to new customers, also on Saturdays and Sundays by appointment.

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