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Kristof Barati Hong Kong Debut 2018

匈牙利小提琴家基斯托夫.巴拉提近年可謂蜚聲國際,皆因他以超凡演出,顯現他廣闊多樣的表現力,以及無可挑剔的技巧。2014年,巴拉提以年僅35歲之齡,獲得匈牙利文學藝術最高獎-科蘇特獎,與安德拉斯.希夫、利蓋蒂.捷爾吉及伊凡.費雪這些大師同佔一席。 近幾個樂季,巴拉提不但被英國著名古典音樂網站Bachtrack評為「真正的聲音唯美主義者」,更於匈牙利以外完成了數個重要的首次公演,包括於韋爾比耶音樂節演奏全套巴哈無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲及組曲,以及與倫敦愛樂樂團及蘇黎世音樂廳管弦樂團等知名樂團合作。 巴拉提所用之小提琴是弦樂製作大師安東尼奥.特拉迪瓦里於1703年所製作的小提琴“Lady Harmsworth”。此琴由芝加哥史特拉底瓦里協會無償提供。 俄羅斯鋼琴家蓮娜.夏拉蘇娃將為此小提琴音樂會之鋼琴伴奏。 門票將於2018年1月8日起於城市售票網發售。 節目 巴哈 G小調第一號無伴奏小提琴奏鳴曲 BWV1001 布拉姆斯 A大調第二號小提琴奏鳴曲,作品一百 柴可夫斯基 《回憶佳地》作品四十二 易沙意 第三號小提琴奏鳴曲作品二十七《敘事曲》 拉威爾 茨岡狂想曲 Hungarian violinist Kristóf Baráti is recognised increasingly across the globe as a musician of extraordinary quality with a vast expressive range and impeccable technique. In 2014, at the age of 35, Baráti was awarded Hungary’s highest cultural award, the Kossuth Prize, following in the footsteps of revered Hungarian artists such as András Schiff, György Ligeti and Iván Fischer. In recent seasons he has made several significant debuts outside of Hungary, including at the Verbier Festival where he performed the complete Sonatas and Partitas of Bach, and with orchestras such as the London Philharmonic and the Zurich Tonhalle, after which Bachtrack described him as “a true tonal aesthete of the highest order”. Baráti plays the 1703 “Lady Harmsworth” made by Antonio Stradivarius, kindly offered by the Stradivarius Society of Chicago. Tickets are available via Urbtix outlets from 8 January 2018. Concert Programme Bach Violin Sonata No.1 in G minor, BWV1001 Brahms Sonata No. 2 for violin and piano in A major, Op. 100 Tchaikovsky Souvernir d'un lieu cher, Op. 42 Ysaÿe Sonata No. 3 for solo violin ("Ballade") Op.27 Ravel Tzigane

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